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psycho hippie chick

psycho hippie chick published on

she doesn’t know who she is. or maybe she does, but she doesn’t care to admit it. point is, i didn’t give her that name, which saddens me, because it’s just the kind of name i’d give a person like her.

clearly she dropped too much acid back in the sixties. that or she was just dropped on her head. she punctuates everything she says with a laugh. and not just a “tee-hee-hee” but a full blown “HA! HAhahahahahaahahahahahaaaaaa” kind of thing. at the end of every sentence like a period or exclamation point.

so why am i bitching about someone that is clearly a bubbly, outgoing, friendly person? because not only is the laugh her calling card, but spend five minutes in her presence and you will become dumber for doing so. not because she is so smart, but because she thinks she is. an example: i say, “so, two plus two is four.” and she’ll come back with, “well, actually, two plus two is the same as two times two, which is of course four… pretty cool, huh? HAHAhahhhahahahaaaaa”

…i $hit you not.

and that’s not all. it gets worse. everything is her business. you cannot carry on a conversation within earshot of her (which, incidentally, encompasses an approximate radius of 500 yards) without her feeling the need to have some input. some little something to say. which of course circles back to the previous bitch, that everything she says is punctuated by a laugh.