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behind-the-wheel-bigotry published on

years ago, i used to go to church. many reasons why i no longer go, but that’s not my point today.

my point, and i do have one, is the witnessing of what my then-pastor used to tell his flock. which was, please, don’t put that little fish on the back of your car. not that one should be ashamed of one’s faith. but the moment you pull a boneheaded move, or get pulled over for breaking a traffic law, or get rear-ended by some goober yammering away on their mobile instead of watching the road, you will become the anti-good witness for the lord, and therefore advertising what you should be versus what you are is just living bigotry.

and so it was today, when i watched the guy in the bigger-than-mine suv barely pause for the stop sign before rushing up to be ahead of the car in front of me, who was clearly signaling their intentions to get over to the right and turn into a driveway and then go swerving nearly on two wheels to rush up to the next intersection only to have to wait their turn for a red light. said bigger-than-mine suv was sporting not only a fish, but also a cutsie little manger scene touting some epitaph about keeping christ in christmas.


bigot. >:o/